St. Patrick’s Morning Prayer

“Today I arise, through the baptism of Christ—His cross; and His grave; resurrection; ascension; and final descent, for the judgment of doom.

“Today I arise, while God’s angels serve—I heed all His heralds, through reading His Word. He makes His saints pure, in labours and love.

“Today I arise, before the sun’s flame; before the winds rush; before lightning strikes. For God’s sea is deep; and His land like a rock!

“Today I arise, through God’s strength to guide me. God’s might shall uphold me; God’s wisdom shall lead me; God’s eye looks before me; God’s ear shall hear for me; God’s Word shall speak through me; God’s hand shall protect me—God’s way is before me.

“God’s hosts shall defend me against snares of devils; against tests of vices; against lusts of nature; ‘gainst all who would harm me; from far or from near—with few, or with many.

“Christ now protects me ‘gainst poison; ‘gainst burning; ‘gainst drowning; ‘gainst wounding; and even ‘gainst falling—that I may receive an abundant reward.

“For Christ now is with me, before, and behind me; Christ is within, and beneath, and above me. Christ’s on my right; and Christ’s on my left. Christ’s where I sit; and Christ’s where I sleep.

“Christ’s where I rise, each day I get up. Christ’s in the hearts of all who recall me. Christ’s in the mouth of all who address me. Christ’s in the eye of all who behold me. Christ’s in the ear of all who do hear me.

“Today I arise in the strong Name of God, to the Triune Jehovah I come! I pray every day, to Elohim strong—to my God Who is Three but yet One.

“From Him all of nature has had her creation by Father; by Spirit; by Word—O praise to Jehovah the God of salvation! For I’m saved by Jesus, the Lord!”

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